Tuesday, July 9, 2013

SharePoint Publishing Page "Access Denied" error

Came across a weird scenario today...
- Have a publishing page which is has unique permissions
- The page is listed in the pages library for the user who has full control, but gets an access denied error when he clicks on the page to view it.

It turned out that the page had a page layout which was still in draft status with no approved version.

Hope this will help some one..

Friday, June 22, 2012

XML based SharePoint Top Navigation

Today I came across a need for multi level SharePoint top navigation, with custom navigation links and items. I started exploring the easiest way and found that I could use XML to my rescue. Here are the steps to configure it:

1) Create a XML file called TopNavigation.xml(you can call it any thing) and create the navigation items as follows:

2) Save the xml and upload it to a document library on the site. (say a doc lib named DataSource under the root site)
3) Add the following tag to the master page

Please pay attention to the highlighted text and provide appropriate values. Parameters for the FileName and FilePath dictates where the xml file is located.

Make sure all xml and master page files are checked in and published and the site should now show the navigation as defined in the xml file.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Get a DLL from the GAC

Steps to Get a DLL From GAC:

- Open command prompt
- type "cd c:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL"
- type "dir"
- Look for the name of the dll that you want
- Type "cd{Name of the dll}"
- Type dir
- Type cd TAB
- Type "copy {dllname}.dll {Path where teh file needs to be copied}

You now have the dll.

Fix issues with opening an excel file in SharePoint Office Web Apps

If you have issues opening an excel spreadsheet in office web apps (OWA), please continue to read:

Problem: "This workbook cannot be opened because it is not stored in an Excel Services Application trusted location. To create an Excel Services Application trusted location, contact your system administrator."

Solution: Go to Central Admin - Excel Services Application > Trusted File Locations and the default entry for address https://, Location Type: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation, Trust Children had already been created.

Problem: Unable to open excel sheet

Solution: - Go to central admin - Security - Configure Service Accounts - Select Windows Service - Claims to Windows Token Service - Change the account from Local Service to Farm Account.

- Central Admin - Excel Services Application - Global Settings - File Access Method - Select Process account.